The partially frozen grizzly bear has been laid across the concrete floor. Dried mud is caked on its pelt and the bullet hole behind its front shoulder is hardly visible in the thick, dark chocolate-colored fur. How it died is no mystery. The bullet clearly was...

PHOTOGRAPHY, INCREASINGLY, IS AN ACCESSIBLE ART FORM. Anyone with an iPhone can take some kind of photo, and often a pretty good one. At a glance, the distance between a passable amateur shot and a drop-dead professional image isn’t huge. But then you look closer. Anyone can...

When artist Carol Spielman paints, it’s as if she’s entered another world. Moving excitedly around a piece that’s spread flat on the floor, she mixes colors right on the canvas to see how the layers will unfold. Sometimes she dims the lights and lets the...

Imagine you are an artist standing in a room, surrounded by your life’s work. More than four decades of effort are displayed carefully in ornate frames and mounted on pedestals, gathered in an institution that’s lauded the best artists in your field. Each piece represents hours...

Charles M. Russell was not the only artist who illustrated his letters to friends, but he had a special gift. Writing, as he readily admitted, was work for him, but he found his own inimitable voice by thinking of his letters as “paper talk;” not...

When Mark McKenna was in second grade, his teacher assigned the class to make scarecrows out of construction paper. McKenna remembers the teacher complimenting the roundness of his scarecrow’s head. “Looking back on that experience, it really made me feel good, and it kindled my...

Dana Boussard’s work balances the personal and political, as evidenced by her subject matter, which broaches topics of women’s issues and the environment through a deeply intimate lens; and her method of working, which ranges from solitary studio time to large public artworks installed in...

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