Jamie Ford’s multigenerational and magical tale, The Many Daughters of Afong Moy (Atria Books, $28), has him well on his way to becoming the Gabriel García Márquez of Asian-American literature. Like García Márquez, Ford’s ability to paint a deep and vibrant story, while moving expertly...

Ryan Busse’s memoir, Gun Fight: My Battle Against the Industry that Radicalized America (Public-Affairs, $29), provides an unflinching view into the modern gun industry. The origin of Busse’s connection to gun culture is perhaps similar to that of many Americans: drawn from a family tradition...

A tapestry of tribulations is woven, thread by thread, by the masterful hand of Deirdre McNamer in her newest novel Aviary (Milkweed Editions, $24). The list of demons she confronts is daunting: environmental degradation, elder neglect, child abuse, school bullying, predatory capitalism, mental health, housing,...

The Classic Sporting Art of Bob White (Stackpole Books, $75) is an eye-catching, oversized, lushly illustrated A book featuring 200 works by the legendary fly-fishing-guideturned-writer/artist Bob White. The images — ranging from ink and pencil drawings to oil and watercolor paintings — reference the sporting lifestyle...

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