It’s a long journey from Chicago to rural Montana. Most would say it’s an even longer one from an office job to ranch work. But when Matt and Sarah Skoglund embarked on that particular journey, they ended up at a destination they’d never imagined. While...

When people imagine a rustic log cabin in the Rocky Mountain West, they most likely envision a trophy deer mounted on the wall or above a fireplace. A memento from the surrounding wilderness, the animal’s antlers reach toward the ceiling, and its round, glassy eyes...

I’d been running and hiking in complete darkness for a couple hours when I disturbed whatever it was in the trees on the ridge between Sheep Mountain and Mount Jumbo, the peaks around Missoula, Montana. Actually, I’d been moving along the trail by myself for...

While many fall-foliage enthusiasts naturally gravitate to the fiery spectacle of hardwood forests in New England, if aesthetic horizons are broadened, portions of the Rocky Mountains offer a different impressive alternative. Accomplished landscape photographer James Kay has long adhered to this belief. Frequently focusing on...

“The West” has a broad range of definitions, depending on who you’re talking to. For painter Luke Anderson, it’s a place of tension, with an identity that extends well beyond any cliches established by old Hollywood movies. As an artist who’s chosen this region as his...

Like an electrical current, art can run through a community, light up the dark places, and spark discovery. One example is Tinworks Arts, an organization that pairs non-traditional spaces with emerging and established creatives. Located in Bozeman, Montana’s hip northeast neighborhood, the name took hold...

Todd connor’s paintings most certainly conjure the past, but they also aim to go beyond a linear history and instead speak to the primal forces in human nature and our cyclical relationship with the land. His goal is for people to feel like they can...

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