16 Feb Jack Unruh in the Northern Rockies
Excerpts from a journal...
Excerpts from a journal...
THEY SAY NEVER BEGIN A STORY with weather, but as the snow outside the window closes around like a shell shielding an egg, I think of the summers on the lake, and my old friend. “Old” performs in two senses of both aged and longtime,...
Taking Stock of our Wild Trout Waters...
The trout rose in a smooth curving arc, never breaking the river’s surface, and grabbed my tumbling salmonfly. One beat, lift the rod, set the hook. I knew immediately from the weight on the line, 40 feet from my knees, that this fight would be...
Want to work as a fly-fishing guide? These three programs will help you get your wader boots wet....
The tyers behind three signature flies...
A Fly Rod, a Camera, and a Dog...
The Human Parade from my Fishing Camper...
A tribute to the Cutthroat Trout...
Sam Peckinpah in Montana...