09 Aug Round Up: Tippet Rise Art Center
inBy Peter and Cathy Halstead | Princeton Architectural Press | $60
Tippet Rise Art Center is the first book about the Montana-based arts venue, Tippet Rise, featuring more than 200 photos of the center’s artwork, buildings, and stunning landscape, along with essays and poetry by the founders, and statements by featured artists.
The sculpture park and music venue is located on an 11,500-acre working ranch in South-Central Montana, north of Yellowstone National Park. Opened in 2016 by philanthropists Peter and Cathy Halstead, Tippet Rise was designed to merge the arts by celebrating poets, photographers, and pianists, along with the union of land, art, architecture, and music. Since opening, they have hosted concerts by world-renowned musicians and installed large-scale sculptures by artists such as Alexander Calder, Patrick Dougherty, Mark di Suvero, Ensamble Studio, and Stephen Talasnik.
In their preface, the Halsteads write, “When art is freed from the four walls of a museum and from the confines of a city, suddenly it relates to the world in a way that enriches the landscape, enriches the experience of viewing it, of touching it, of being next to it, of being under it, of imagining how this wonderful creation is part of the world.”
This colorful and inspiring coffee-table book is a fitting tribute to a spectacular arts destination in a remote part of the West.
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