01 Sep Back 40: Herds, Yellowstone
inWe saw the bighorn sheep
within a mile of the gate,
the black bear not long after.
And when we crossed the fabled river
into the corner of the map
we were soon among the herds.
Pronghorn on the hillsides.
Bison thick as thought
in that valley. As if
we were the first ones. As if
there’d never been
a slaughter.
Animals we might have drawn
on cliffsides or painted
deep inside sacred caves.
Instead we rove, taking photos
at every fresh encounter.
Near dusk the generations began
a slow drift across the roadway
and for some minutes were
all around us, dream creatures
cloaked in ragged mass,
horned and hoofed
inscrutable densities.
So this is awe.
We stopped the car.
We had no choice.
- Photo by Thomas Lee
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