Winter in the Northern Rockies means snow and all the accompanying festivities, whether that’s bombing down a hill, clearing ice from a fly rod’s eyelets, or cozying up with a book in front of a crackling fire. Here are just a few items sure to...

Paramount Network’s popular Yellowstone series has sparked the interest of a worldwide audience, bringing an estimated 2.1 million visitors and $730 million in spending to Montana in 2021, according to a University of Montana (UM) study. Conducted by UM’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER)...

Tinworks Art’s new place-based multimedia art exhibition, Invisible Prairie, offers a unique opportunity to connect to the poetry, fragility, and mystery of America’s grasslands. The exhibit explores the sensory experience of the prairie, providing an intimate and thoughtful experience that encourages meditation, contemplation, and close...

Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT) is best known for Bozeman’s Main Street to the Mountains trail system, but the definition of “trail” is expanding: With partners, GVLT recently launched the area’s first water trail, the Missouri River Headwaters Paddlers’ Trail. The trailhead (or “put-in,” as...

By Western Hands: Functional Art from the Heart of the West celebrates the history of rustic design — from the Adirondacks and national park “Parkitecture” style to the work of legendary Western furniture maker Thomas Molesworth — and describes its evolution to the art form...

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