These Creatures of a Day  Written by Marc Beaudin Featuring 56 poems by Marc Beaudin that delve into our connection and disconnection with the natural world and each other, These Creatures of a Day is a collection that inhabits its readers. Beaudin’s pieces run the emotional gamut...

The museums, galleries, and curated art events that celebrate the artists of the Northern Rockies offer an intimate glimpse at life in the American West. Upcoming calendar highlights include: Through August 17 James Chronister: And We are Green, Greener Than the Hill, Where Flowers Grow and the...

Current Montana poet laureate Chris La Tray blends personal memoir and Indigenous history in Becoming Little Shell: A Landless Indian’s Journey Home (Milkweed Editions, $30). Raised with only hints of the Métis and Anishinaabe (Chippewa) heritage of his father’s side of the family, La Tray...

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